Saturday, November 27, 2010

Toddler Heart Murmurs

Karma Planetarium

The planets have a path that allows them to accompany the entities that populate them in the infinity of Evolution.
In these times of great decisions, there are positive energies that drive the karma of every inhabitant of this planet, to build and then release the energy needed to Karma planetary vibration (with reciprocal effect, that the planet itself will release a vibration energy response) to take the big step size in front of us.
Although the brink of a convergence dimensional, knowingly or not the Karma will take its course and so we are bound to Earth, and it to us and so the circle is complete. Each
Entity will then written to its destination dimensionle in karmic balance. Great tips
stellar endeavor to channel the energy necessary layers to this passage in full compliance with the Aura Karmic planet, but you need a spark that allows the whole to unfold completely.
The decision is up to the Earth.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wedding Program Thank You Poems

Free Energy

Each element of this reality that surrounds us has become part of an intensive program, capable of alienating the authentic entity in search of his inner self. The ring system
human (or reincarnation) was created with the specific intent of helping the Entities in infancy, to grow in more layers of universal consciousness and then evolve into complete beings, abandoning progressively and finally this same system.
The negative forces that permeate every corner of this present condition, however, have reversed the natural balance in their favor, and now have a detailed and methodical organization that allows them to keep the entities in this dimension, taking advantage of their attachment to the subject, stereotypes and physical pleasure.
To do this act among other things, the power grid that currently surrounds the planet and the inexperience and clumsiness of the many self-styled "Masters of Light."
The first lesson which must be letting the permeate, is to follow their Inner Teacher, which is to find the connection with those entities over which from time immemorial are responsible to follow us and guide us. Looking outside
Awareness, only potentially inappropriate fill us with energy, created by the entity continues the search for truth or some loophole to their fate.
Consciousness is accuracy, not truth ...
Philosophy is a lifestyle and mental ego, which clashes greatly with spirituality.
Inevitably, the dissident voices because they are attacked in their spontaneity and sincerity, making vain attempts by the dark forces of subjecting them to other beings.
not surprising at all, that molte entità che asseriscono di lavorare per la Luce,in realtà operano a loro stessa insaputa remando contro...
L'ego è molto caparbio ed abile nel mascherare sé stesso;
Ed è nei piani delle forze negative,far credere che si stia operando in positivo.
Coloro che si prestano a questo gioco,pur nella loro sapienza,non si rendono conto di quanto sta loro accadendo.
La Consapevolezza non si vende e non si compra;
E non si può neanche regalare.
L'esattezza è qualcosa che non si rivela,ma si aquisisce.
Gli antichi metodi di contemplazione,meditazione e ricerca interiore sono sicuramente molto opportuni per coloro che intendono percorrere la via del Risveglio...
Ma i traguardi raggiunti da altri,non sono i nostri.
Dobbiamo individuare il nostro sentiero e percorrerlo,condividendo le esperienze ed osservandoci nel profondo.
Nessuno può dirci ciò che siamo,o che siamo stati,o meglio ancora che diventeremo,perchè abbiamo già questa risposta dentro di noi;
Dobbiamo solo lavorare per aquisirla.
La Gloria per sè stessi è lo slancio per il ritorno all'Energia.
Perchè è questo che in sostanza siamo...
Espressioni dell'Energia della Fonte.