Here's a nice 'article on elections in our city taken from the Christian Family. A beautiful fresco of the lights and shadows that characterize the choice of Scopelliti and decided to do in Reggio Calabria, a tourist hub of excellence svilupnado recovering and intuition of the Italian trade Falcomatà that too soon, the Centre Left has forgotten.
Tourism has figured prominently in my political agenda ( MY POLICY AGENDA ).
I think the guarantee of stable employment for all people should be the 'element which should lead to prefer one candidate over another. I propose projects in the field of tourism, agricultural cooperatives, which are developed, will ensure adequate accommodation for many sections of the population. And then my strong point is the formation el 'orientation of young people must be understood as an activity of paramount public interest. Not everyone has the money available to provide training professioanl quality, for which the public sector must ensure political choice at all. Otherwise layers of ever-larger population will be thrown into abject despair and tragic
The city looks to the sea: Messina, Taormina, the Aeolian Islands to make a unique tourist attraction. Meanwhile, have fun, "says the mayor of Centrodestra.No: waste, contends his opponent.
supports the playwright and poet Rodolfo Reggio Chirico, the sirocco blowing from the Strait to Reggio Calabria "there is genius or demented," but he is part genius and lost in the world, while those who are insane and do not you miss the first part. Whatever it is, Reggio Calabria, a city of bridges and promised to step, he hopes still not be "tragic conductor of food," Chirico said, "that apparatus that consumes things produced by others. And what place might not produce something of his own? Can not you see, is a non-story. "
In Reggio Calabria are still testing the future from that day that the future is lost on the barricades of the revolt of 1970, when the city was taken from the regional primacy. It is then that the Reggio look towards the sea with their backs Aspromonte: "We are a city of step with an aquarium in the middle," which mirrors Messina, Taormina and the Aeolian Islands. The idea was to In Falcomatà legendary mayor of Reggio Calabria: create a sort of "conurbation" with places that are reflected on the Straits, and is liked by Giuseppe Scopelliti, mayor (center-right) of opposite sign so that it looks Falcomatà it even a little unusual. Reggio Calabria
A view of the sea in the background.
Actually, Scopelliti does not seem to be a victim of the sirocco, it is neither genius nor insane. It seems rather a character who is passionate apart, putting together good things with real opprobrium as the concrete shacks on the waterfront Falcomatà, better known as "the most beautiful in Italy a hundred meters," or those moving walkways in a street in the center to no avail.
Scopelliti talks incessantly, is elegant without delay, electrical and electrodes, a producer of ideas continue as quell'Archimede Pythagorean Walt Disney cartoons where a light bulb in his head when he found one. He has not even 40 years and is already thinking of writing a book about his life. As the character of Marguerite Duras, is young but already has a retirement behind him and a future where
can not stay behind. Yet, this mayor seems to jump more than walking as kangaroos, some have it really good idea and like all dreams of leading a kind of division: "I was vice president of the Calabria region," he explains, "and I realized that Reggio must look elsewhere to overcome the curse of the historic city where you go but you do not stop. Our future is in tourism, the creation of a unique area with Messina, Taormina and the Aeolian Islands. Marinas, cultural events, performances and the Biennale of the Mediterranean that is our goal. Then, who knows, we might even be a reality by detaching their territorial autonomous regions with a referendum. "
View of Reggio Calabria.
"Dreams," said his antagonist of the center Eduardo Lamberti, "the reality is all written in the nakedness of the figures that relegate Reggio Calabria at the bottom of the rankings in terms of national income produced, quality of life and per capita income. " But a record
Reggio Calabria has it and is the subject of careful study, so it seems incredible in the last five years, unemployment has been cut down by 17 percentage points, a record. "Clientele and assumptions without concurrence of the municipal police implemented with questionable methods," says Lamberti. The walk
Valeria Marini
"Without concrete," said Scopelliti, "I just released special funds for Reggio Calabria that my predecessors were not able to spend, with the money I made triangular pacts with employers who agree to take entrepreneurial initiatives in tourism and catering. I put running cultural events, performances, sleepless night. In Reggio have fun. "
"Above all, Valeria Marini," countered Lamberti, "engaged to the sound of thousands of euro to take a walk on the waterfront."
View of Reggio Calabria. Yet
Reggio Calabria is a city very much alive in the past and the statistics show that eight out of ten young people believe in their mayor. But something else is moving even in private, such as the pearl of the golf course built on top of the mountain that dominates Reggio Calabria. "Why not?" Smiles the club president Philip Lo Presti. "The Golf Club Monte Chiarello was born thanks to the courage of a group of private entrepreneurs who credono in questa terra. Siamo i primi in Calabria, guidiamo la corsa». Che prosegue nell’interno, a Santa Caterina dello Jonio, dove il prossimo agosto aprirà un altro circolo golfistico.
«Ma a Reggio mancano asili nido, scuole decenti e una seria politica per la famiglia», protesta Titti Irrera, candidata al Consiglio comunale per il Centrosinistra, «altro che la Marini, le feste e i baccanali!». «Reggio riluce di spettacoli e lustrini», chiosa lo scrittore Gianfranco Cordì, frequentatore di quell’enclave tutta speciale che è la libreria "Culture" del mitico Enzo Caccamo, «ma intanto ogni notte bruciano in media quattro automobili».
Però di questo spettacolo, assicurato, Free and old, nobody wants to talk. "Better to look to the sea," concludes the writer and scholar Pasquale Romeo, "and look there's a different story."
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