In choosing whom to send to govern a city is essential to choose who has a plan to run, ideas to be realized. the beginning of this campaign I have set the reference in my personal contacts on what I did and what I'm going to do in an election . Nel 2007 e nell'elezioni amministrative di una grande città è questo l'elemento da valutare nella scelta della persona cui votare. Ripropongo il mio programma politico perchè è su quello che chiedo il voto e, in caso di elezione, è su quello che dovrò essere valutato. Non chiedo voti in base a vincoli di parentela, di amicizia, o altro, ma perchè voglio cercare di realizzare un progetto. Progetto, si badi bene, che realizzerò, comunque, anche in caso di mancata elezione
Per cui ad una settimana dal voto l'elettore dovrebbe valutare i programmi dei candidati, valutare se si riferiscano a atti concreti e fattibili,oppure se si riducano ad essere dichiarazioni di intenti generiche e astratte. Alla fine l'esito vote expresses the will of the sovereign people, according to the identity of the elect will be assessed if the people of Reggio is ripe and ready or not.
1) Increase employment through the development of the tourism industry, exploiting the existing cultural resources in the city. Construction of hotels and hostels, to allow the presence of an elite and mass tourism.
2) Increase in employment through the development of cooperative agriculture (livestock, dairy, floriculture, farm).
3) Increase dell'occuzione through the development of cooperatives in the area of \u200b\u200bservices offered to families and impese.
4) Establishment at the 'institution of a common stop for advice condominium, owners and tenants of buildings in a condominium, and the recipients of public housing comunali.Questi past, may indicate that office at the inefficiency and inconvenience insistence on 'building.
5) Establishment at the 'institution of a common door to communicate to those concerned, especially the young, various incentives and funding in support of' entrepreneurship, delivered at community, regional, provincial and municipal levels.
6) Establishment of a local authority to support employment through a mentoring, training, (using structures like the 'ex CIAP) and indication of appropriate forms of financing to start a business.
7) planning for the construction of underground municipal parking lots or garages.
8) plan for parks in all districts.
9) implementation in each district of a small playground for children,
10) policies for families with more creations of municipal buildings be given in the assignment.
11) support of families with low incomes or with several children.
12) through the improvement of urban decorum policy a grant for the re-statements of private housing.
13) abolition of the rules on 'delll'autogestione school buildings owned by the municipality and assign their management to cooperatives of young people.
14) structures for the reception day for seniors to families whose members are working or can not afford caregivers .--
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