Mayor Giuseppe Scopelliti in recent years has begun to implement policies Reggio Calabria to make a city highly tourist.
Because the natural vocation of the city in view of climate, landscape, history has been discovered only in this new millennium, but there you are "better late than never."
My projects have the 'aim of combining tourism and agri-food sector to make it an engine of sustainable development and robust self-maintained without burdening public resources.
First, you should be aware of the many concepts of Tourism to study the characteristics , elaborare progetti.
Il turismo è l’insieme delle relazioni che nascono per lo spostamento temporaneo delle persone.
Il termine deriva dal francese tour, che significa giro, circuito. Il termine stesso indica quindi uno dei presupposti fondamentali perché si possa parlare di turismo: il viaggiatore deve prevedere non solo la partenza, ma anche il ritorno, in un tempo ragionevole, altrimenti non si ha più un tour.
Non è invece necessaria, perché si parli di turismo, una motivazione particolare allo spostamento. In sostanza non definiamo turista solo chi si sposta per divertimento, svago, vacanza, ma anche chi parte per lavoro, per motivi religiosi, per curarsi, per studiare.
E’ quindi considerato turista chi va a passare una vacanza al mare così come il businessman che viaggia per affari; lo sciatore che si fa la settimana bianca e chi va a farsi curare; il pellegrino che parte per visitare un santuario e lo sportivo che partecipa a una competizione; il cantante in tournée e lo studente che segue un corso lontano dalla sua abitazione.
L’impossibilità di isolare una figura di turista vicina a quella del viaggiatore per motivi di svago deriva proprio dalla difficoltà di determinare perché una persona viaggia. Prima di tutto: quando si misurano statisticamente arrivi e partenze, soggiorni e pernottamenti in hotel, non è possibile determine why they occur. Moreover, it is often difficult for the tourists themselves determine which is the main reason for his journey.
The WTO, the World Tourism Organization, which supports the collection and publication of statistics for the industry worldwide, it is impossible to disaggregate the data taking into account the individual motivations and therefore defines all travelers tourists, with the exception Frontier workers, nomads, transit passengers, refugees, Armed Forces, diplomats Immigrants.
Tourists are travelers who spend a limited period of time, which must include at least one night, in one or more locations, other those of habitual residence.
Hikers are those who make daily transfers, no accommodation, outside the town of residence.
Immigrants are those whose movement has no requirement of contemporaneity. That
between tourists and hikers, a distinction is considered important not only to those who deal with statistics, but also by law.
walkers, with their movements that sell out within a day, give rise to a consumption of tourism services other than the tourists, who spend at least one night away from their home. Hence the importance of the distinction, which has also reflected in legal, because the rules governing travel contracts shall not apply to those who commit a simple hike.
When fails the requirement of temporary displacement, migration is discussed and it is outside the field of tourism.
The tourism terminology
Active tourism
The traveler takes with his movements, active tourism. The displacements are defined
outgoing (outbound) when they are directed outside the region or country of residence of the tourist.
They are called incoming (inbound) arrivals in a country or a region of traveling from village.
movements of inbound and outbound tourists give rise to international tourism.
The national tourism travel concerns of residents of a certain country. It consists of two parts:
1) domestic tourism is related to the movement of residents of a country in their own country (for example, Italians in Italy),
2) the outgoing tourism (or outbound), implemented by residents traveling abroad (ie by the Italians who go to other countries). The domestic tourism
therefore include domestic tourism and incoming tourism.
international tourism: tourism, incoming and outgoing tourism Tourism
national domestic tourism and domestic tourism
outgoing tourism: domestic tourism and incoming tourism
incoming does not define the term only the arrivals of tourists in a region or a country but also all the services that they're provided.
Tourism productive
's so called the production of tourist services. They are therefore productive tourism operators who organize trips, transfers, tours and excursions.
However, the most typical product of tour operators and travel.
tourism production, therefore, can be divided into incoming and outgoing tourism.
receptive receptive to hear is talk of all the services provided to tourists. The recipe is also called incoming. With this last term, therefore, are not exclusively the arrivals of tourists, ma anche i servizi ad essi prestati.
I servizi di ricettività sono molti e diversificati:
· alloggio, in strutture alberghiere (hotel, motel, pensioni) o extralberghiere (appartamenti, campeggi, ostelli, villaggi turistici ecc,);
· transfer, trasferimento dall’aeroporto, dal porto o dalla stazione di arrivo all’alloggio e viceversa, in pullman, taxi o auto noleggiata, con o senza assistente;
· visite di città (sightseeing), con o senza guida, in pullman, in auto noleggiata con autista o a piedi;
· escursioni, fuori dalle città, per visitarne i dintorni, in pullman o in auto noleggiata con autista;
· ogni altro servizio connesso con il soggiorno del turista nella località visitata (biglietti per musei, spettacoli, mostre, servizi di assistenza ecc.).
Turismo outgoing: il viaggio
Il viaggio è l’insieme dei beni e dei servizi utilizzati dal viaggiatore
Per parlare di viaggio è necessario che lo spostamento del viaggiatore comporti almeno un pernottamento fuori dalla propria abitazione. Se si tratta di uno spostamento che ha luogo in giornata non si parla di viaggio ma di escursione.
Una o più escursioni possono far parte di un viaggio ma non costituiscono viaggio di per sé.
Non si deve confondere il viaggio con il trasferimento, cioè con il trasporto (definito anche passaggio). Un volo Roma-New York è un passaggio aereo: diventa un viaggio solo se comprende anche almeno l’alloggio a destinazione.
Il viaggio comprende, oltre al trasporto, cioè al passaggio aereo, automobilistico, marittimo o ferroviario, anche l’alloggio, i pasti, le visite, le escursioni, l’assistenza ecc.
I viaggi comportano outgoing cioè spostamento dei turisti in uscita dalla località di residenza.
La maggior parte dei viaggi viene organizzata direttamente e in modo autonomo da chi li compie. Il mezzo di trasporto più usato dai turisti è l’auto propria, l’alloggio più comune sono gli appartamenti e le case private.
I produttori dei viaggi che vengono offerti al pubblico are called tour operators. They are called instead
tour operators producing travel organizer at the request of customers.
are called retailers or travel agents travel agents companies that are involved in selling travel. A trip
manufactured by a specialist called a package tour or travel package or travel package, or even, according to a terminology now a bit 'old-fashioned, travel packages. So
We talk about the trip to hear all the movements of those who are temporarily away from home and spends at least one night in a place other than the address. If
temporary displacement takes place during the day you hike. The
package tour is a trip organized by a specialist (or tour operator Tour organizer).
Tourism passive
The main protagonists are a part of tourist visitors (those who perform active tourism) and the operators providing the services (tourism, manufacturing).
There is a third component, whose importance is increasingly taken into consideration: the case of residents of tourist destinations, that somehow the visitors suffer them, called passive tourism.
Tourism can lead to price increases, filled with shops, traffic, a number of effects that are not acceptable to those who live in a city that crowds of people who often do not behave well.
There are many cases of natural environments that are abused, and social backgrounds whose culture is disrupted, the human environments that are deeply affected by the flow of visitors, new activities that follow.
awareness of the necessity of protecting the environment (both natural and human) is increasingly widespread and patterns of tourism are proposed that are more respectful of these requirements. Remains the economic impact: the wealth brought by the tourists, as will be seen in the following units of instruction, not only benefits the people and businesses who work directly in the field, but the entire economic fabric and social development.
The behavior of local residents visited the other hand is very important to define the quality of the visitor's stay and thus the so-called passive tourism has a key role in defining the tourism product.
Tourism is a set of relationships.
What does it mean?
To understand just think of the simple example of a journey of a family that spends their holidays by the sea at the hotel.
components of the family enter into a relationship with the hotel, with restaurant owners, with merchants of the place where to stay, from which buy goods and services. Not only that, during their holidays using the beach, roads, transport public places where the resident and then use cleaning services, maintenance, transportation provided by local authorities.
All these reports have legal repercussions (because they are regulated by laws) and economic (because they are the basis of production of these operators).
Of no less importance for the family on vacation are the friendships you forge with other vacationers, the social relations that are established with the locals and also the emotional relationships that are established with the place visited: a city may create sympathy or dislike for the way it is done, as it is obliged to act as its inhabitants.
Il turismo si compone di tutti i rapporti che il viaggiatore ha con gli operatori che gli forniscono i servizi, con gli abitanti dei luoghi visitati, con gli altri turisti, con i luoghi in cui si soggiorna.
Hikers are those who make daily transfers, no accommodation, outside the town of residence.
Immigrants are those whose movement has no requirement of contemporaneity. That
between tourists and hikers, a distinction is considered important not only to those who deal with statistics, but also by law.
walkers, with their movements that sell out within a day, give rise to a consumption of tourism services other than the tourists, who spend at least one night away from their home. Hence the importance of the distinction, which has also reflected in legal, because the rules governing travel contracts shall not apply to those who commit a simple hike.
When fails the requirement of temporary displacement, migration is discussed and it is outside the field of tourism.
The tourism terminology
Active tourism
The traveler takes with his movements, active tourism. The displacements are defined
outgoing (outbound) when they are directed outside the region or country of residence of the tourist.
They are called incoming (inbound) arrivals in a country or a region of traveling from village.
movements of inbound and outbound tourists give rise to international tourism.
The national tourism travel concerns of residents of a certain country. It consists of two parts:
1) domestic tourism is related to the movement of residents of a country in their own country (for example, Italians in Italy),
2) the outgoing tourism (or outbound), implemented by residents traveling abroad (ie by the Italians who go to other countries). The domestic tourism
therefore include domestic tourism and incoming tourism.
international tourism: tourism, incoming and outgoing tourism Tourism
national domestic tourism and domestic tourism
outgoing tourism: domestic tourism and incoming tourism
incoming does not define the term only the arrivals of tourists in a region or a country but also all the services that they're provided.
Tourism productive
's so called the production of tourist services. They are therefore productive tourism operators who organize trips, transfers, tours and excursions.
However, the most typical product of tour operators and travel.
tourism production, therefore, can be divided into incoming and outgoing tourism.
receptive receptive to hear is talk of all the services provided to tourists. The recipe is also called incoming. With this last term, therefore, are not exclusively the arrivals of tourists, ma anche i servizi ad essi prestati.
I servizi di ricettività sono molti e diversificati:
· alloggio, in strutture alberghiere (hotel, motel, pensioni) o extralberghiere (appartamenti, campeggi, ostelli, villaggi turistici ecc,);
· transfer, trasferimento dall’aeroporto, dal porto o dalla stazione di arrivo all’alloggio e viceversa, in pullman, taxi o auto noleggiata, con o senza assistente;
· visite di città (sightseeing), con o senza guida, in pullman, in auto noleggiata con autista o a piedi;
· escursioni, fuori dalle città, per visitarne i dintorni, in pullman o in auto noleggiata con autista;
· ogni altro servizio connesso con il soggiorno del turista nella località visitata (biglietti per musei, spettacoli, mostre, servizi di assistenza ecc.).
Turismo outgoing: il viaggio
Il viaggio è l’insieme dei beni e dei servizi utilizzati dal viaggiatore
Per parlare di viaggio è necessario che lo spostamento del viaggiatore comporti almeno un pernottamento fuori dalla propria abitazione. Se si tratta di uno spostamento che ha luogo in giornata non si parla di viaggio ma di escursione.
Una o più escursioni possono far parte di un viaggio ma non costituiscono viaggio di per sé.
Non si deve confondere il viaggio con il trasferimento, cioè con il trasporto (definito anche passaggio). Un volo Roma-New York è un passaggio aereo: diventa un viaggio solo se comprende anche almeno l’alloggio a destinazione.
Il viaggio comprende, oltre al trasporto, cioè al passaggio aereo, automobilistico, marittimo o ferroviario, anche l’alloggio, i pasti, le visite, le escursioni, l’assistenza ecc.
I viaggi comportano outgoing cioè spostamento dei turisti in uscita dalla località di residenza.
La maggior parte dei viaggi viene organizzata direttamente e in modo autonomo da chi li compie. Il mezzo di trasporto più usato dai turisti è l’auto propria, l’alloggio più comune sono gli appartamenti e le case private.
I produttori dei viaggi che vengono offerti al pubblico are called tour operators. They are called instead
tour operators producing travel organizer at the request of customers.
are called retailers or travel agents travel agents companies that are involved in selling travel. A trip
manufactured by a specialist called a package tour or travel package or travel package, or even, according to a terminology now a bit 'old-fashioned, travel packages. So
We talk about the trip to hear all the movements of those who are temporarily away from home and spends at least one night in a place other than the address. If
temporary displacement takes place during the day you hike. The
package tour is a trip organized by a specialist (or tour operator Tour organizer).
Tourism passive
The main protagonists are a part of tourist visitors (those who perform active tourism) and the operators providing the services (tourism, manufacturing).
There is a third component, whose importance is increasingly taken into consideration: the case of residents of tourist destinations, that somehow the visitors suffer them, called passive tourism.
Tourism can lead to price increases, filled with shops, traffic, a number of effects that are not acceptable to those who live in a city that crowds of people who often do not behave well.
There are many cases of natural environments that are abused, and social backgrounds whose culture is disrupted, the human environments that are deeply affected by the flow of visitors, new activities that follow.
awareness of the necessity of protecting the environment (both natural and human) is increasingly widespread and patterns of tourism are proposed that are more respectful of these requirements. Remains the economic impact: the wealth brought by the tourists, as will be seen in the following units of instruction, not only benefits the people and businesses who work directly in the field, but the entire economic fabric and social development.
The behavior of local residents visited the other hand is very important to define the quality of the visitor's stay and thus the so-called passive tourism has a key role in defining the tourism product.
Tourism is a set of relationships.
What does it mean?
To understand just think of the simple example of a journey of a family that spends their holidays by the sea at the hotel.
components of the family enter into a relationship with the hotel, with restaurant owners, with merchants of the place where to stay, from which buy goods and services. Not only that, during their holidays using the beach, roads, transport public places where the resident and then use cleaning services, maintenance, transportation provided by local authorities.
All these reports have legal repercussions (because they are regulated by laws) and economic (because they are the basis of production of these operators).
Of no less importance for the family on vacation are the friendships you forge with other vacationers, the social relations that are established with the locals and also the emotional relationships that are established with the place visited: a city may create sympathy or dislike for the way it is done, as it is obliged to act as its inhabitants.
Il turismo si compone di tutti i rapporti che il viaggiatore ha con gli operatori che gli forniscono i servizi, con gli abitanti dei luoghi visitati, con gli altri turisti, con i luoghi in cui si soggiorna.
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