L'innegabile necessità di miglioramento del sistema produttivo locale non deve prescindere dal legame from the territory and the concept of authenticity, which finds its full meaning in the context of socio-cultural development of a place. The typical product is not merely a food product or craft, but is the product of a territory, its natural and cultural resources, the development is the result of generations and therefore has a story to tell, which draws the entire socio -cultural, so between it and the territory, which produces it, there must be a match biunivoca.Al order to build a growing visibility of the territory, mainly in qualitative terms, it is necessary to enhance its production of excellence and then identify the best most appropriate methods and channels for its commercialization. The pursuit of this goal can not be separated from the activation of a number of factors at local level in order to stimulate a synergistic strategy of territorial development marketing oriented synthesis of its economic, social and environmental issues and create a istituzionali.Per
bijective correspondence between production and territory is clearly necessary to identify a basket of handicrafts and agri - food, with peculiar characteristics of typical, traditional and quality, around which then create and coordinate promotional activities targeted, the identification of this " Reggio basket of "proceeds through the development of protocols for the characterization of production and guarantee the quality and authenticity of stessi.La strategy should have as ultimate goal to create a permanent exhibition and tasting of the products of the territory, placing it in an area of \u200b\u200bspecial interest tourism, The Lungomare di Reggio for example, "giving" as a showcase for all preferential who can capture the interest of tourists as well as affecting small towns, satellites of the city, not forgetting the great potential of the Internet tool. In this perspective may moreover, be exceeded two continuing problems of local tourism, which is the short length of stay and their time-bound location to a restricted period during the entire anno.Realizzando an information high visibility, which may be disclosed in the culture of the local product, it creates and increases the possibility for producers, consortia and to make known their products also commercial purposes, taking advantage of potential, of which the individual would not normally dispone.Il combine a strategy of cultural diffusion to an additional economic potential for individual manufacturers allow you to aggregate the various interests of local actors in a system that concentrates its efforts on value economic and employment in tourism, defined as income multiplier and both opportunities and enhancement of qualification environment, production, services and cultural identities locali.La exhibition structure should include both the typical local products of artistic and agri - food, properly selezionate.La selection will be based on actual discipline, through which you can typical and traditional or highlight the close link with the history and culture of Reggio Calabria
, but also the high qualità .Essa will also be equipped with an appropriate business model, capable of instilling self-sufficiency company also in the years to venire.I results expected from such a strategy are due to increased local production and its marketing to an increase in the income of operators and to a development area in terms of communication of the territory. The key issue is a clear identification of products in the basket to be enhanced through the establishment of specific regulations and disciplinary system management, programming of a merchandising strategy in collaboration with local tourism initiatives related to promotion of the local system, integration between typical agricultural production and agro-food production with the typical non-food in a single outlet, which is an expression of the landscape as a whole, the increase in tourism, its seasonal adjustment and the extension of stay averages, data the creation of an integrated image, linked by historical, cultural and unique environmental, attracted by the local products, plus moments of cultural and recreational, and finally to the recovery of small craft, which may be able to offer products with good value for money and to assert its image in the marketplace.
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