Tourism of the third millennium is the main economic activity of the globe,
According to the WTO (World Tourism Organization, branca del W.T.O.), ogni anno, per diverse ragioni (turismo, lavoro, cure, emigrazione…), 700 milioni di persone effettuano spostamenti internazionali ed altrettante fanno viaggi interni, per un totale di 6 miliardi di spostamenti annui, dei quali l’80% ha ragioni di svago – evasione.Inoltre, 1/15 degli occupati nel mondo (200 milioni di persone) svolge attività legate al turismo, senza contare le situazioni di lavoro irregolare e/o informale, che in certi contesti rappresentano la regola e non l’eccezione.
Reggio Calabria ha tutti gli ingredienti necessari per intercettare una quota stabile del flusso turistico mondiale e trasformare una attività secondary and vacation in the main engine of national development.
The mild climate makes possible a stable and tourism continues all year 's year. Working on the quality of 'deal in terms of amenities to make your stay more comfortable and interesting for those who come to visit our city.
The sea, mountains, history, monuments, food and wine in Reggio Calabria is rich can, if properly combined, produce an articulated offer different packages depending on the characteristics of subjects that will be achieve. Packages must provide a full and detailed every moment of their stay, so that users can optimize the time and situations and get the most satisfaction from the trip to get them to come back and propagate the beauty of our city.
It is also expected to increase providing accommodation close to the typical hotels, other types of accommodation like hostels or bed & breakfast. In this perspective one could marry the strategy that many small countries have in place: the "country hotel" where the municipal entity to a census of the houses on unused land comunale, le rileva, le ristruttura per mettere a disposizione posti letto con la formula del bed & breakfast, la cui gestione possa essere affidata a cooperative di giovani.
Il comune, inoltre, deve, realizzare una rete di servizi informativi e di trasporto agile per anticipare qualsiasi esigenza del turista.
Fondamentale è lo sportello unico di informazione turistica In primis si devono raccogliere da tutti i soggetti organizzatori i dati sugli eventi in programma sul territorio e organizzare punti informativi presso la stazione ferroviaria, l’ aeroporto e altri punti strategici della città. Collateralmente you should set up integrated packages pre-arranged shuttle services, and others outside of them to allow tourists to reach the various sights of the city.
The proximity of the sea and the mountains offer endless possibilities about the preparation material packages. Diving tourism, charter sailing, surfing, water skiing, mini cruises, hiking, climbing, food and drink occasions, trekking, horse riding are just some of the countless opportunities for relaxation that could offer you the tto coordination with the municipality and in a regime an agreement with the creators of individual services.
use of funds made available to the European Union to start the system and give permanent employment to trained personnel and appropriate is a key project to create a virtuous system that provides a self-sustaining development opportunities to the city and a new perspective to the masses of unemployed.
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