Friday, June 1, 2007

Pokemon Following You Sprites


The electoral transition is over. It has achieved something, it parses an attempt to understand what it means.
was important to mark the return of the Christian Democrats in the city of Reggio Calabria.Per who carries out projects and calls for a vote on their implementation considers the elections a moment of his political activity.
The election of the General Assembly would allow me to move more swiftly on the road to their achievement, but not having realized this, the road will continue with the steps necessary for the right moments.
I am open to any input, ideas, input that anyone would give me. I thank all those
I have honored for their vote and all the staff who have accompanied me in this important stage of my life

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

How To Make A Fake Fireplace



More than forty points of difference: The poison pill is up to the center, which in Reggio Calabria has seen the triumph of the outgoing mayor of An, Giuseppe Scopelliti, confirmed in the first round with nearly 70% at one-tenth of the sections counted. The Union's candidate, Edward Lamberti Castronovo, must be satisfied with 27%, while the other three candidates only collect crumbs.

Scopelliti's victory in the town which has seen voter più alta d’Italia (81,9%) tra i Comuni interessati alla consultazione amministrativa, era nell’aria, sebbene le proporzioni della vittoria siano state più schiaccianti del previsto. Per il 40enne Scopelliti, cresciuto nell’Msi con un passato da presidente del Consiglio regionale e due anni da assessore regionale al Lavoro, una carriera in Alleanza nazionale e una forte amicizia con il presidente di An Gianfranco Fini, è un successo personale, prima ancora che delle 21 liste che lo hanno appoggiato. Giovane promessa del basket, Scopelliti è uno dei giovani cresciuto nel mito degli anni ’70, quando la città urlava «Boia chi molla» alla polizia, in mezzo ai carriarmati e alle molotov. Scopelliti ha scelto di restare, anche per fermare l’emorragia di generazioni di reggini in cerca di fortuna e schiacciati dal miraggio della ’ndrangheta.

Per chi ha è rimasto i cinque anni di amministrazione sono stati una sfida, stravinta con un cocktail di fortuna e azzardo. Come il dissalatore, che ha ridato l’acqua potabile a mezza città, la raffica di iniziative culturali (come il festival del Cinema) e alcune bizzarre scelte di «marketing». Come quando lo scorso settembre, durante la Notte Bianca, Scopelliti è riuscito a portare in città decine di «vip», dai cavalli di razza della scuderia di Lele Mora (da Costantino Vitagliano alle Meteorine, da Nina Moric a Daniele Interrante) al toro loco Piero Pelù. And let them run around all night on the main street of the center. The success of Scopelliti has also "weighed" the salvation of Reggina, remained in Serie A despite the 11 penalty points, and three hundred jobs funded by the Decree Reggio, in recent months in the middle of one of the episodes of W Italy, Riccardo Iacona program aired on Raitre. Politics and work. A combination that the shores of the Strait, where the percentage of youth unemployment, nearly 75% of the ballot makes a difference.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

How Does Nike Recomend Cleaning Tennis Shoes?


E 'now reached the end of the campaign elettorale.Tanti meetings to present my projects to illustrate my ideas, gather new ideas by comparison with the many people we met, which they want to hear about concrete things, not empty and generic Declarations of intent.
thank those who helped and supported me and friends who have failed to lend their encouragement.
greet everyone and to meet next Tuesday to resume work.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

What Episode Does Bulma Say Vegetas Cute


In choosing whom to send to govern a city is essential to choose who has a plan to run, ideas to be realized. the beginning of this campaign I have set the reference in my personal contacts on what I did and what I'm going to do in an election . Nel 2007 e nell'elezioni amministrative di una grande città è questo l'elemento da valutare nella scelta della persona cui votare. Ripropongo il mio programma politico perchè è su quello che chiedo il voto e, in caso di elezione, è su quello che dovrò essere valutato. Non chiedo voti in base a vincoli di parentela, di amicizia, o altro, ma perchè voglio cercare di realizzare un progetto. Progetto, si badi bene, che realizzerò, comunque, anche in caso di mancata elezione
Per cui ad una settimana dal voto l'elettore dovrebbe valutare i programmi dei candidati, valutare se si riferiscano a atti concreti e fattibili,oppure se si riducano ad essere dichiarazioni di intenti generiche e astratte. Alla fine l'esito vote expresses the will of the sovereign people, according to the identity of the elect will be assessed if the people of Reggio is ripe and ready or not.

1) Increase employment through the development of the tourism industry, exploiting the existing cultural resources in the city. Construction of hotels and hostels, to allow the presence of an elite and mass tourism.

2) Increase in employment through the development of cooperative agriculture (livestock, dairy, floriculture, farm).

3) Increase dell'occuzione through the development of cooperatives in the area of \u200b\u200bservices offered to families and impese.

4) Establishment at the 'institution of a common stop for advice condominium, owners and tenants of buildings in a condominium, and the recipients of public housing comunali.Questi past, may indicate that office at the inefficiency and inconvenience insistence on 'building.

5) Establishment at the 'institution of a common door to communicate to those concerned, especially the young, various incentives and funding in support of' entrepreneurship, delivered at community, regional, provincial and municipal levels.

6) Establishment of a local authority to support employment through a mentoring, training, (using structures like the 'ex CIAP) and indication of appropriate forms of financing to start a business.

7) planning for the construction of underground municipal parking lots or garages.

8) plan for parks in all districts.

9) implementation in each district of a small playground for children,

10) policies for families with more creations of municipal buildings be given in the assignment.

11) support of families with low incomes or with several children.

12) through the improvement of urban decorum policy a grant for the re-statements of private housing.

13) abolition of the rules on 'delll'autogestione school buildings owned by the municipality and assign their management to cooperatives of young people.

14) structures for the reception day for seniors to families whose members are working or can not afford caregivers .--

Friday, May 18, 2007

Intermediate Goalie Size


Here's a nice 'article on elections in our city taken from the Christian Family. A beautiful fresco of the lights and shadows that characterize the choice of Scopelliti and decided to do in Reggio Calabria, a tourist hub of excellence svilupnado recovering and intuition of the Italian trade Falcomatà that too soon, the Centre Left has forgotten.
Tourism has figured prominently in my political agenda ( MY POLICY AGENDA ).
I think the guarantee of stable employment for all people should be the 'element which should lead to prefer one candidate over another. I propose projects in the field of tourism, agricultural cooperatives, which are developed, will ensure adequate accommodation for many sections of the population. And then my strong point is the formation el 'orientation of young people must be understood as an activity of paramount public interest. Not everyone has the money available to provide training professioanl quality, for which the public sector must ensure political choice at all. Otherwise layers of ever-larger population will be thrown into abject despair and tragic

The city looks to the sea: Messina, Taormina, the Aeolian Islands to make a unique tourist attraction. Meanwhile, have fun, "says the mayor of Centrodestra.No: waste, contends his opponent.
supports the playwright and poet Rodolfo Reggio Chirico, the sirocco blowing from the Strait to Reggio Calabria "there is genius or demented," but he is part genius and lost in the world, while those who are insane and do not you miss the first part. Whatever it is, Reggio Calabria, a city of bridges and promised to step, he hopes still not be "tragic conductor of food," Chirico said, "that apparatus that consumes things produced by others. And what place might not produce something of his own? Can not you see, is a non-story. "

In Reggio Calabria are still testing the future from that day that the future is lost on the barricades of the revolt of 1970, when the city was taken from the regional primacy. It is then that the Reggio look towards the sea with their backs Aspromonte: "We are a city of step with an aquarium in the middle," which mirrors Messina, Taormina and the Aeolian Islands. The idea was to In Falcomatà legendary mayor of Reggio Calabria: create a sort of "conurbation" with places that are reflected on the Straits, and is liked by Giuseppe Scopelliti, mayor (center-right) of opposite sign so that it looks Falcomatà it even a little unusual. Reggio Calabria
A view of the sea in the background.
Actually, Scopelliti does not seem to be a victim of the sirocco, it is neither genius nor insane. It seems rather a character who is passionate apart, putting together good things with real opprobrium as the concrete shacks on the waterfront Falcomatà, better known as "the most beautiful in Italy a hundred meters," or those moving walkways in a street in the center to no avail.
Scopelliti talks incessantly, is elegant without delay, electrical and electrodes, a producer of ideas continue as quell'Archimede Pythagorean Walt Disney cartoons where a light bulb in his head when he found one. He has not even 40 years and is already thinking of writing a book about his life. As the character of Marguerite Duras, is young but already has a retirement behind him and a future where

can not stay behind. Yet, this mayor seems to jump more than walking as kangaroos, some have it really good idea and like all dreams of leading a kind of division: "I was vice president of the Calabria region," he explains, "and I realized that Reggio must look elsewhere to overcome the curse of the historic city where you go but you do not stop. Our future is in tourism, the creation of a unique area with Messina, Taormina and the Aeolian Islands. Marinas, cultural events, performances and the Biennale of the Mediterranean that is our goal. Then, who knows, we might even be a reality by detaching their territorial autonomous regions with a referendum. "
View of Reggio Calabria.
"Dreams," said his antagonist of the center Eduardo Lamberti, "the reality is all written in the nakedness of the figures that relegate Reggio Calabria at the bottom of the rankings in terms of national income produced, quality of life and per capita income. " But a record
Reggio Calabria has it and is the subject of careful study, so it seems incredible in the last five years, unemployment has been cut down by 17 percentage points, a record. "Clientele and assumptions without concurrence of the municipal police implemented with questionable methods," says Lamberti. The walk
Valeria Marini
"Without concrete," said Scopelliti, "I just released special funds for Reggio Calabria that my predecessors were not able to spend, with the money I made triangular pacts with employers who agree to take entrepreneurial initiatives in tourism and catering. I put running cultural events, performances, sleepless night. In Reggio have fun. "
"Above all, Valeria Marini," countered Lamberti, "engaged to the sound of thousands of euro to take a walk on the waterfront."
View of Reggio Calabria. Yet
Reggio Calabria is a city very much alive in the past and the statistics show that eight out of ten young people believe in their mayor. But something else is moving even in private, such as the pearl of the golf course built on top of the mountain that dominates Reggio Calabria. "Why not?" Smiles the club president Philip Lo Presti. "The Golf Club Monte Chiarello was born thanks to the courage of a group of private entrepreneurs who credono in questa terra. Siamo i primi in Calabria, guidiamo la corsa». Che prosegue nell’interno, a Santa Caterina dello Jonio, dove il prossimo agosto aprirà un altro circolo golfistico.
«Ma a Reggio mancano asili nido, scuole decenti e una seria politica per la famiglia», protesta Titti Irrera, candidata al Consiglio comunale per il Centrosinistra, «altro che la Marini, le feste e i baccanali!». «Reggio riluce di spettacoli e lustrini», chiosa lo scrittore Gianfranco Cordì, frequentatore di quell’enclave tutta speciale che è la libreria "Culture" del mitico Enzo Caccamo, «ma intanto ogni notte bruciano in media quattro automobili».
Però di questo spettacolo, assicurato, Free and old, nobody wants to talk. "Better to look to the sea," concludes the writer and scholar Pasquale Romeo, "and look there's a different story."

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Famous People Of Liverpool

Administrative Sicily - A July press release

The National Secretary of the Christian Democrats, Joseph Pizza, expressed his satisfaction at the excellent results obtained by the party in Sicily.

"After 14 years, DC has re-submitted to the voters getting feedback, in Sicily, an encouraging trend, and 3% back in the pews of the City Council in Agrigento, Paternò, Trapani, Castel Vetrano, S. Cataldo, Gela , Alcamo and many smaller municipalities. Particularly pleased to return to the City Council of Caltagirone, home of Don Luigi Sturzo.

Special thanks to all voters and the governing bodies of the Party, for their efforts.

We can finally say that the Christian Democrats came back in the Italian political scene "

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Kid Looks At Sisters Boobs


You are materializing works that will increase tourism in Reggio Calabria. One way obliged to go to build a prosperous future for the 'whole city. I also think that this is the way to go adegutamente preparing future workers in the industry to ensure that what is intended to become soon be a reality.

In this July will be in two major works contract for the development of Reggio: July 2 will be exactly on the day of the race on the total renovation of the seafront of Gaul, after 15 months of work, for a total of € 4,500,000, riqualificherà fully (with its beach nourishment) in the face dell'affaccio sea.
On July 30, however, will contract in the tender for the construction of the waterfront and South Basically linear park will be returned to the city overlooking the sea in the whole area from the stream stream Calopinace S. Agata, running behind the boulevard and avenue Galilei Aldo Moro. Here
the amount exceeds EUR 10 million and the duration of the work is fixed at 24 months after their commencement, as identified in the month of November.


Nerf Bithday Party Invitation



Sunday, May 13, 2007

What To Write In 21st Cards

Reggio Calabria-Municipal elections 2007 - The list with the Centro's mayor Scopelliti

E 'was presented Saturday, May 12 the list CENTER (DC-DC List Codacons-PRC ) in the former Mr Kiwi. Present the provincial coordinator of the Codacons Caramel Caridi, the secretary of the PRC Marcello Cordova DC, the regional commissioner of the DC Hon Lillo Manti. E 'speeches by the mayor Giuseppe Scopelliti, who thanked the List Center for the decision, certainly not obvious, to support his candidacy.
L 'On Lillo Manti has in fact stressed that the Centre has supported the program list of the Mayor, not the center-right coalition, and stressed that the Centre, to be understood as a place of meeting of the various components is key to the solution of problems of Reggio Calabria. On The Manti was then shown the List Center's program, which aims to improve the social situation of the city through the 'increase in the number of employees to be pursued with different and new strategies in the tourism sector, for example, to Reggio Calabria stated goal of tourist flows to a stable and non-tourism as a simple point.
E 'leaders also spoke, Dr. Michael Apa, who stressed the' importance of the processes of training and guidance for young people to foster a stable integration into the world of work, suggesting, in particular 'use of structures, such as 'ex Ciapa Catona, and coordination of the town of this atività to ensure that all the' access to quality vocational training and not just to those who have the economic means to access the private key.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Why Do Themuscles In My Legs Hurt And Burn?

REGGIO CALABRIA - ELECTIONS MUNICIPAL 2007 - The Christian Democrats took root TERRITORY

10/04/2007, 18.00. It opens the section of the Christian Democrats in Reggio Calabria in the St George district VII-Modena-San hoped. In the presence of the DC Regional Commissioner Mr Lillo Manti, Regional Councillor John Nucera, the provincial coordinator of the DC Michael Apa, a candidate for president of the division for the List Center (DC-DC CODACONS-Refounding) Consulate Ferrara did the honors home.

Nucera The Regional Council has made the best wishes to friends DC, for if the current political stage he is on a different path, "the historical origin and cultural roots are the same all came from the Great DC, whose children are missing in many streams, the 'goal is to meet again in a large common house. "

The provincial coordinator of the DC Michael Apa said the bond of belonging to the District VII avendoci lived for years, remembers when a boy he "climbed the walls to attack the posters of the DC"

L 'Mr Lillo Manti pointed to "the particular bond of friendship with the director Nucera, as they are united by a great Idea and deep values \u200b\u200bthat were the basis of the Christian Democrats and even campagma along different paths in this election, heard, is the need to meet around a table and rebuild the great party of the center of Italy 's need to put an embankment to avoid a left maximalist and populist tendencies detrimental to the common good of the nation. "

Finally a toast of champagne sugellare an important moment and make the best of luck to those involved in the campaign elettorale.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Birthday Invites That Rhyme With Four


Reggio Calabria ha tutti i numeri per diventare una città turistica all'avanguardia e, giustamente, il sindaco Giuseppe Scopelliti ha iniziato una politica volta al raggiungimento di questo obiettivo.

La felice posizione tra mare e montagna, lo scenario fabulous Strait, places of historical interest are necessary but not sufficient to develop a tourism that produces stable jobs.

First we must start from the basic services. Establish, for example, a tourist information office run by the single policy including the 'opening of offices and information kiosks in the city's key areas, obviously starting from the railway station, airport and arrival points of the bus. These information offices as well as providing information about the historical sights and monuments to visit, should serve as a point of booking of musical, cultural or any other type provided by the city and points organization by providing purpose, a system of agreement with all the organizers of the same.

should also increase the number of beds available to those who are visiting our city
providing for the construction of hotels, the construction of youth hostels and adopting the strategy of so-called "Country Hotel" for the which counts the town homes do not use site in the municipality, the points, the restructuring to make bed & breakfast to be run by a cooperative of young people leading to the creation of jobs.

Then totally absent in our city 's offer of tourist merchindising (T-shirts, ceramics and the like) that would be easy and inexpensive production and achieving great success among those who want to buy a memento of their visit to the city, as suggested by the 'experience of any resort towns of even those closest to Reggio Calabria ( Taormina in the first place).

Scandalous is also the fact that Reggio has a marina berth to allow the many cruise ships that ply the strait and, consequently, increase the number of tourists, so, I think, a natural strategy should be to bridge this gap that wastes resources and opportunities to 'whole city.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

How Long Does It Take For Ketoconazole To Work



From now on you can put in place measures to facilitate citizens' lives .

First, the 'establishment of an information office for all matters relating to the house, so that all citizens have the' information they need for their own needs and requirements.

also may extend the competence of the 'Establishment of office of the opinions Monthly, owners and tenants of buildings in a condominium, and the recipients of municipal housing. The latter may indicate that office at the inefficiency and inconvenience insistent on the building.

more concrete step that would improve the urban quality and ceará some work, the 'abolition of self-management for those living in owned property. The quarrels between them become the 'autogesione in a total paralysis of activities MAINTENANCE, with the result that the buildings are characterized by a state of severe neglect.

abolish this institution and allocate the management of these buildings coioperative a service consisting of young people would take two positive results with a single act: the restoration of the buildings to make them worthy of a city like Reggio and the creation of some jobs stable and secure.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

What Does A Bad Case Of Strep Throat Look Like



One of my administrative action is focused on the structure of Ex CIAPI Catona, for the fundamental guidance and training of young unemployed. In recent press articles
the confederal unions and workers in the training of agriculture have produced a document that contained a strong protest against the region that "holds itself to the structures as 'ex Ciapa Catona and rejects all the vocational training projects presented by the Province of Reggio, denying the' exercise of professional training and public favoring the private system."
The protest is to be established in non-completion by the region, decentralization of functions, in which the transfer of responsibilities is not the result of economic resources and personnel necessary for their effective exercise.
Structures like the 'ex CIAPI Catona would be ideal to give to the many unemployed in Reggio Calabria, who can not afford a lack of training, the way to the' acquisition the technical skills required to move safely into the world of work.
in the same building I think of information desks for all young people who would like to start his own business, to provide them with all the news for funding for 'Entrepreneurship provided at all levels of public
and concrete assistance to move through the maze of bureaucracy. A
ncora my idea is also to have public offices that act as "incubators" to follow during their start up business ventures that are undertaken in the territory of the municipality by young people and not for the most easy to overcome the start-up phase and allow them to be sustained over time.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Aqua Tech Filters How To Install


In the coming municipal elections voters will find a list of Reggio Calabria Center founded by 'alliance between the Christian Democrats with no adjective, which is the party that has made 's Italy (which has never been disbanded, as stakeholders in their personal lives had an interest in this make believe), the list Codacons consumer-list, which is the category most in need of a policy center that is independent of the lobbyists who see only lemons to squeeze consumers. The third component is the re-establishment of the list Dc Publio Fiori linked to a federation of Christian Democratic parties of center, confirmed earlier this year with a major event in Rome.
E 'I strongly believe that Reggio Calabria has great need of a policy center, designed as a project, service and professionalism, which, using local resources and exploiting the opportunities provided by' the European Union, let initiate a virtuous process of economic development, stable and durable.

Center is the term used to describe the political positions of the moderates within the political spectrum. It differs from both the left (The "progressissti"), but on the right (conservatives). In most political systems, parties are left of center liberals and moderates, who change their positions and ideas according to their history of each country.

Center reform: the part of the center more open to demands for social reform and dialogue with the socialist and social democratic parties in general;

moderate Center: This is the place where it actually find themselves "moderates pure" or that slice of the electorate centrist liberal democratic orientation and / or liberal Catholic. The moderates are generally oriented to alliances with the center-liberal parties, but sometimes also established cooperative relations with the reformist parties of mold Social

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

How Much Does Jon Cryer Make Per Episode 2010


1) Increase employment through the development of the tourism sector exploiting the existing cultural resources in the city. Construction of hotels and hostels, to allow the presence of an elite and mass tourism.

2) Increase in employment through the development of cooperative agriculture (livestock, dairy, floriculture, farm).

3) Increase dell'occuzione through the development the cooperative sector of the services offered to families and impese.

4) Establishment at the 'institution of a common stop for advice condominium, owners and tenants of buildings in a condominium, and the recipients of public housing comunali.Questi past, may indicate that office at the inefficiency and inconvenience insistence on 'building.

5) Establishment at the 'institution of a common door to communicate to those concerned, especially the young, various incentives and funding in support of' entrepreneurship, delivered at community, regional, provincial and municipal levels.

6) Establishment of a local authority to support employment attraverso un percorso di orientamento, formazione, (utilizzando strutture come l' ex Ciapi) ed indicazione delle forme di finanziamento idonee all'avviamento di una impresa.

7)progettazione per la realizzazione di posteggi comunali sotterranei o sopraelevati.

8) progetto per aree verdi in tutte le circoscrizioni.

9)realizzazione in ogni circoscrizione di un piccolo parco giochi per bambini,

10) politiche per la famiglie con creazioni di ulteriori edifici comunali da dare in assegnazione.

11) sostegno delle famiglie a basso reddito o con figli numerosi.

12)miglioramento del decoro urbanistico attraverso la politica dei finanziamenti a fondo perduto per il rifacimento dei prospetti dei condomini privati.

13) abolizione della normativa relativa al' istituto delll'autogestione degli edifici di proprietà comunale e assegnazione della gestione degli stessi a cooperative di giovani.

14)creazione di strutture per l'accoglienza giornaliera per anziani per le famiglie i cui componenti lavorano o non possono permettersi badanti.--

Friday, April 27, 2007

Women's Private Selfloving

Reggio tourist city-Enhancement of the typical product

L'innegabile necessità di miglioramento del sistema produttivo locale non deve prescindere dal legame from the territory and the concept of authenticity, which finds its full meaning in the context of socio-cultural development of a place. The typical product is not merely a food product or craft, but is the product of a territory, its natural and cultural resources, the development is the result of generations and therefore has a story to tell, which draws the entire socio -cultural, so between it and the territory, which produces it, there must be a match biunivoca.Al order to build a growing visibility of the territory, mainly in qualitative terms, it is necessary to enhance its production of excellence and then identify the best most appropriate methods and channels for its commercialization. The pursuit of this goal can not be separated from the activation of a number of factors at local level in order to stimulate a synergistic strategy of territorial development marketing oriented synthesis of its economic, social and environmental issues and create a istituzionali.Per bijective correspondence between production and territory is clearly necessary to identify a basket of handicrafts and agri - food, with peculiar characteristics of typical, traditional and quality, around which then create and coordinate promotional activities targeted, the identification of this " Reggio basket of "proceeds through the development of protocols for the characterization of production and guarantee the quality and authenticity of stessi.La strategy should have as ultimate goal to create a permanent exhibition and tasting of the products of the territory, placing it in an area of \u200b\u200bspecial interest tourism, The Lungomare di Reggio for example, "giving" as a showcase for all preferential who can capture the interest of tourists as well as affecting small towns, satellites of the city, not forgetting the great potential of the Internet tool. In this perspective may moreover, be exceeded two continuing problems of local tourism, which is the short length of stay and their time-bound location to a restricted period during the entire anno.Realizzando an information high visibility, which may be disclosed in the culture of the local product, it creates and increases the possibility for producers, consortia and to make known their products also commercial purposes, taking advantage of potential, of which the individual would not normally dispone.Il combine a strategy of cultural diffusion to an additional economic potential for individual manufacturers allow you to aggregate the various interests of local actors in a system that concentrates its efforts on value economic and employment in tourism, defined as income multiplier and both opportunities and enhancement of qualification environment, production, services and cultural identities locali.La exhibition structure should include both the typical local products of artistic and agri - food, properly selezionate.La selection will be based on actual discipline, through which you can typical and traditional or highlight the close link with the history and culture of Reggio Calabria , but also the high qualità.Essa will also be equipped with an appropriate business model, capable of instilling self-sufficiency company also in the years to venire.I results expected from such a strategy are due to increased local production and its marketing to an increase in the income of operators and to a development area in terms of communication of the territory. The key issue is a clear identification of products in the basket to be enhanced through the establishment of specific regulations and disciplinary system management, programming of a merchandising strategy in collaboration with local tourism initiatives related to promotion of the local system, integration between typical agricultural production and agro-food production with the typical non-food in a single outlet, which is an expression of the landscape as a whole, the increase in tourism, its seasonal adjustment and the extension of stay averages, data the creation of an integrated image, linked by historical, cultural and unique environmental, attracted by the local products, plus moments of cultural and recreational, and finally to the recovery of small craft, which may be able to offer products with good value for money and to assert its image in the marketplace.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

How To Remove A Sony Radio

Reggio City - Tourist Services and Strategy

Tourism of the third millennium is the main economic activity of the globe,

According to the WTO (World Tourism Organization, branca del W.T.O.), ogni anno, per diverse ragioni (turismo, lavoro, cure, emigrazione…), 700 milioni di persone effettuano spostamenti internazionali ed altrettante fanno viaggi interni, per un totale di 6 miliardi di spostamenti annui, dei quali l’80% ha ragioni di svago – evasione.Inoltre, 1/15 degli occupati nel mondo (200 milioni di persone) svolge attività legate al turismo, senza contare le situazioni di lavoro irregolare e/o informale, che in certi contesti rappresentano la regola e non l’eccezione.

Reggio Calabria ha tutti gli ingredienti necessari per intercettare una quota stabile del flusso turistico mondiale e trasformare una attività secondary and vacation in the main engine of national development.

The mild climate makes possible a stable and tourism continues all year 's year. Working on the quality of 'deal in terms of amenities to make your stay more comfortable and interesting for those who come to visit our city.

The sea, mountains, history, monuments, food and wine in Reggio Calabria is rich can, if properly combined, produce an articulated offer different packages depending on the characteristics of subjects that will be achieve. Packages must provide a full and detailed every moment of their stay, so that users can optimize the time and situations and get the most satisfaction from the trip to get them to come back and propagate the beauty of our city.

It is also expected to increase providing accommodation close to the typical hotels, other types of accommodation like hostels or bed & breakfast. In this perspective one could marry the strategy that many small countries have in place: the "country hotel" where the municipal entity to a census of the houses on unused land comunale, le rileva, le ristruttura per mettere a disposizione posti letto con la formula del bed & breakfast, la cui gestione possa essere affidata a cooperative di giovani.

Il comune, inoltre, deve, realizzare una rete di servizi informativi e di trasporto agile per anticipare qualsiasi esigenza del turista.

Fondamentale è lo sportello unico di informazione turistica In primis si devono raccogliere da tutti i soggetti organizzatori i dati sugli eventi in programma sul territorio e organizzare punti informativi presso la stazione ferroviaria, l’ aeroporto e altri punti strategici della città. Collateralmente you should set up integrated packages pre-arranged shuttle services, and others outside of them to allow tourists to reach the various sights of the city.

The proximity of the sea and the mountains offer endless possibilities about the preparation material packages. Diving tourism, charter sailing, surfing, water skiing, mini cruises, hiking, climbing, food and drink occasions, trekking, horse riding are just some of the countless opportunities for relaxation that could offer you the tto coordination with the municipality and in a regime an agreement with the creators of individual services.

use of funds made available to the European Union to start the system and give permanent employment to trained personnel and appropriate is a key project to create a virtuous system that provides a self-sustaining development opportunities to the city and a new perspective to the masses of unemployed.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Baixar Vemmax Nfa-01a


Mayor Giuseppe Scopelliti in recent years has begun to implement policies Reggio Calabria to make a city highly tourist.


Because the natural vocation of the city in view of climate, landscape, history has been discovered only in this new millennium, but there you are "better late than never."

My projects have the 'aim of combining tourism and agri-food sector to make it an engine of sustainable development and robust self-maintained without burdening public resources.

First, you should be aware of the many concepts of Tourism to study the characteristics , elaborare progetti.

Il turismo è l’insieme delle relazioni che nascono per lo spostamento temporaneo delle persone.

Il termine deriva dal francese tour, che significa giro, circuito. Il termine stesso indica quindi uno dei presupposti fondamentali perché si possa parlare di turismo: il viaggiatore deve prevedere non solo la partenza, ma anche il ritorno, in un tempo ragionevole, altrimenti non si ha più un tour.
Non è invece necessaria, perché si parli di turismo, una motivazione particolare allo spostamento. In sostanza non definiamo turista solo chi si sposta per divertimento, svago, vacanza, ma anche chi parte per lavoro, per motivi religiosi, per curarsi, per studiare.
E’ quindi considerato turista chi va a passare una vacanza al mare così come il businessman che viaggia per affari; lo sciatore che si fa la settimana bianca e chi va a farsi curare; il pellegrino che parte per visitare un santuario e lo sportivo che partecipa a una competizione; il cantante in tournée e lo studente che segue un corso lontano dalla sua abitazione.
L’impossibilità di isolare una figura di turista vicina a quella del viaggiatore per motivi di svago deriva proprio dalla difficoltà di determinare perché una persona viaggia. Prima di tutto: quando si misurano statisticamente arrivi e partenze, soggiorni e pernottamenti in hotel, non è possibile determine why they occur. Moreover, it is often difficult for the tourists themselves determine which is the main reason for his journey.
The WTO, the World Tourism Organization, which supports the collection and publication of statistics for the industry worldwide, it is impossible to disaggregate the data taking into account the individual motivations and therefore defines all travelers tourists, with the exception Frontier workers, nomads, transit passengers, refugees, Armed Forces, diplomats Immigrants.

Tourists are travelers who spend a limited period of time, which must include at least one night, in one or more locations, other those of habitual residence.
Hikers are those who make daily transfers, no accommodation, outside the town of residence.
Immigrants are those whose movement has no requirement of contemporaneity. That

between tourists and hikers, a distinction is considered important not only to those who deal with statistics, but also by law.
walkers, with their movements that sell out within a day, give rise to a consumption of tourism services other than the tourists, who spend at least one night away from their home. Hence the importance of the distinction, which has also reflected in legal, because the rules governing travel contracts shall not apply to those who commit a simple hike.
When fails the requirement of temporary displacement, migration is discussed and it is outside the field of tourism.

The tourism terminology

Active tourism
The traveler takes with his movements, active tourism. The displacements are defined
outgoing (outbound) when they are directed outside the region or country of residence of the tourist.
They are called incoming (inbound) arrivals in a country or a region of traveling from village.
movements of inbound and outbound tourists give rise to international tourism.
The national tourism travel concerns of residents of a certain country. It consists of two parts:
1) domestic tourism is related to the movement of residents of a country in their own country (for example, Italians in Italy),
2) the outgoing tourism (or outbound), implemented by residents traveling abroad (ie by the Italians who go to other countries). The domestic tourism
therefore include domestic tourism and incoming tourism.

international tourism: tourism, incoming and outgoing tourism Tourism
national domestic tourism and domestic tourism
outgoing tourism: domestic tourism and incoming tourism

incoming does not define the term only the arrivals of tourists in a region or a country but also all the services that they're provided.

Tourism productive
's so called the production of tourist services. They are therefore productive tourism operators who organize trips, transfers, tours and excursions.
However, the most typical product of tour operators and travel.
tourism production, therefore, can be divided into incoming and outgoing tourism.

receptive receptive to hear is talk of all the services provided to tourists. The recipe is also called incoming. With this last term, therefore, are not exclusively the arrivals of tourists, ma anche i servizi ad essi prestati.
I servizi di ricettività sono molti e diversificati:
· alloggio, in strutture alberghiere (hotel, motel, pensioni) o extralberghiere (appartamenti, campeggi, ostelli, villaggi turistici ecc,);
· transfer, trasferimento dall’aeroporto, dal porto o dalla stazione di arrivo all’alloggio e viceversa, in pullman, taxi o auto noleggiata, con o senza assistente;
· visite di città (sightseeing), con o senza guida, in pullman, in auto noleggiata con autista o a piedi;
· escursioni, fuori dalle città, per visitarne i dintorni, in pullman o in auto noleggiata con autista;
· ogni altro servizio connesso con il soggiorno del turista nella località visitata (biglietti per musei, spettacoli, mostre, servizi di assistenza ecc.).

Turismo outgoing: il viaggio
Il viaggio è l’insieme dei beni e dei servizi utilizzati dal viaggiatore

Per parlare di viaggio è necessario che lo spostamento del viaggiatore comporti almeno un pernottamento fuori dalla propria abitazione. Se si tratta di uno spostamento che ha luogo in giornata non si parla di viaggio ma di escursione.
Una o più escursioni possono far parte di un viaggio ma non costituiscono viaggio di per sé.
Non si deve confondere il viaggio con il trasferimento, cioè con il trasporto (definito anche passaggio). Un volo Roma-New York è un passaggio aereo: diventa un viaggio solo se comprende anche almeno l’alloggio a destinazione.
Il viaggio comprende, oltre al trasporto, cioè al passaggio aereo, automobilistico, marittimo o ferroviario, anche l’alloggio, i pasti, le visite, le escursioni, l’assistenza ecc.
I viaggi comportano outgoing cioè spostamento dei turisti in uscita dalla località di residenza.
La maggior parte dei viaggi viene organizzata direttamente e in modo autonomo da chi li compie. Il mezzo di trasporto più usato dai turisti è l’auto propria, l’alloggio più comune sono gli appartamenti e le case private.
I produttori dei viaggi che vengono offerti al pubblico are called tour operators. They are called instead
tour operators producing travel organizer at the request of customers.
are called retailers or travel agents travel agents companies that are involved in selling travel. A trip
manufactured by a specialist called a package tour or travel package or travel package, or even, according to a terminology now a bit 'old-fashioned, travel packages. So

We talk about the trip to hear all the movements of those who are temporarily away from home and spends at least one night in a place other than the address. If
temporary displacement takes place during the day you hike. The
package tour is a trip organized by a specialist (or tour operator Tour organizer).

Tourism passive
The main protagonists are a part of tourist visitors (those who perform active tourism) and the operators providing the services (tourism, manufacturing).
There is a third component, whose importance is increasingly taken into consideration: the case of residents of tourist destinations, that somehow the visitors suffer them, called passive tourism.
Tourism can lead to price increases, filled with shops, traffic, a number of effects that are not acceptable to those who live in a city that crowds of people who often do not behave well.
There are many cases of natural environments that are abused, and social backgrounds whose culture is disrupted, the human environments that are deeply affected by the flow of visitors, new activities that follow.
awareness of the necessity of protecting the environment (both natural and human) is increasingly widespread and patterns of tourism are proposed that are more respectful of these requirements. Remains the economic impact: the wealth brought by the tourists, as will be seen in the following units of instruction, not only benefits the people and businesses who work directly in the field, but the entire economic fabric and social development.
The behavior of local residents visited the other hand is very important to define the quality of the visitor's stay and thus the so-called passive tourism has a key role in defining the tourism product.

Tourism is a set of relationships.
What does it mean?
To understand just think of the simple example of a journey of a family that spends their holidays by the sea at the hotel.
components of the family enter into a relationship with the hotel, with restaurant owners, with merchants of the place where to stay, from which buy goods and services. Not only that, during their holidays using the beach, roads, transport public places where the resident and then use cleaning services, maintenance, transportation provided by local authorities.
All these reports have legal repercussions (because they are regulated by laws) and economic (because they are the basis of production of these operators).
Of no less importance for the family on vacation are the friendships you forge with other vacationers, the social relations that are established with the locals and also the emotional relationships that are established with the place visited: a city may create sympathy or dislike for the way it is done, as it is obliged to act as its inhabitants.
Il turismo si compone di tutti i rapporti che il viaggiatore ha con gli operatori che gli forniscono i servizi, con gli abitanti dei luoghi visitati, con gli altri turisti, con i luoghi in cui si soggiorna.